EurAfricAsia Trip 06

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Wrap on Africa: The Great Zimbabwe Ruins

As we made our way back to Harare, Sanj Man took us on a slight detour in order to expand our knowledge on Zimbabwe’s ancient origins. To do this we would be visiting The Great Zimbabwe Ruins. This can be considered the “Mayan Ruins” known to most Texans, located in Mexico.

At the ancient site, we were given a guided tour of the ruins which at one point was a decent sized city. As we made our way through the ruins our minds were filled with all sorts of interesting facts from the ancient times. We learned that the ancient kings of Zimbabwe used to have two hundred wives!! We also learned that they died young, very young. Just Kidding.

After our detour through The Great Zimbabwe Ruins we were on the home stretch back to Harare. Back in Harare some of us visited a Lion and Cheetah park. This was a drive through park with wildlife living amongst the road. Inside the lion cage were two female lions and one male. As we were exiting the enclosure, the female lions seemed to be hunting our vehicle. There was one on the side of the van and the other was behind the van. Luckily, we were able to get out without any problems. At this same park sometime earlier a Japanese woman had decided to get out of her car and take a picture with the lions sitting in the background, she unfortunately did not make it out safely and later died in a local hospital. Leaving the park, we were glad to have fulfilled our wishes to see lions, which we were unable to accomplish in Botswana.

A day or two after we arrived back in Harare, Jay and Shivan were taken to the aiport early one morning. They would be flying back through London before finally getting home to Dallas.

And then there were three…

That Friday the fun continued for those whose journey would continue to roll on. We decided to check out one of the few nightclubs in Harare. The night started at Sunrise, Sanj Man’s sports club hang out, where he and his buddies made sure our glasses were never empty. After we pre-partied there, we headed over to a club called “Glow.” It was definitely an interesting experience. Believe it or not the racial diversity was the most surprising part. There were people of all different kinds having a great time.

Over the next few days we spent time relaxing and making the rounds to different homes of Kinesh’s family and friends. We also found time to play nine holes of golf at one of the local country clubs. Kinesh and Sanj Man played with some friends of Sanj Man’s, while Ravi, Paras, and myself played with Mayur, one of Kinesh’s other cousins.

In no time at all, we found ourselves at the Harare Airport departing for ASIA, Bangkok, Thailand here we come!!!

The Africtravelers