EurAfricAsia Trip 06

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Big African Air: Bungee Jumping!

After some much needed rest, we woke up and packed up all of our belongings. Today was the day we would be leaving Vic Falls.

Although we knew we were leaving Victoria Falls, we still had one more adventure in us. During the next hour we would all be making our final decisions as to whether or not we would be diving off the bridge connecting Zimbabwe and Zambia!

As we made our way to the bridge our nerves were on edge. After crossing the Zimbabwe border we walked for 10 minutes until we reached the bridge connecting the two sides of the massive gorge. As soon as we stepped foot onto the bridge it was definitely time for some of us to make our final decisions. Some of us were 100% certain sure that taking the plunge off the bridge was exactly what we wanted to do, while others were not so sure. Kinesh, Ravi, and Priya were definitely eager and ready to get a taste of some Big African Air. While Jay, Shivan, Paras, and myself were somewhat undecided. We are happy to say that ALL of us faced our fears and looked directly into the open air over Zimbabwe and dove off the 110+ meter bridge into the river gorge! (330+ feet) Ravi was the first to jump, followed by Kinesh, Shivan, Ryan, Priya, Paras, and Jay.

The view of the gorge and the river was incredible. Standing at the platform on the bridge and looking straight ahead into the open air was spectacular. From the platform you could see the edge of the gorge wrap around the rocky cliffs. Behind the bridge you could see the end of the falls as well as the massive amounts of mist levitating from the water.

The adrenaline rush we all experienced during our free fall will be difficult to top for the rest of our lives!

On our way out of the area we stopped at the larges Baobob tree in Zimbabwe. These trees are incredibly wide at the base, but they also begin to branch out extremely close to the ground. The rest of the day was spent driving back to Bulawayo where we would put up for the night.

The Africtravelers