EurAfricAsia Trip 06

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Zambezi River: White Water Rafting & Sunset Cruise

The next morning we woke up and prepared ourselves for the day’s adventure. Our ride picked us up and we headed off to go white water rafting down the “Mighty Zambezi River.” Before we could go down to the river we had to do one thing first…sign our indemnity clauses! We also were able to polish our Bond-like skills by succeeding in using authentic fake Zimbabwe IDs of some of Kinesh’s relatives. The IDs gave us a huge discount on a lot of the adventures we went on. Once this was complete, and we had a little food and tea in our stomachs we were ready to rock ‘n roll.

At the top of the gorge we put on the top half of a wet suit, life jacket, helmet, and grabbed an oar. After some quick safety instructions and guidelines it was time to begin our trek down the side of the gorge. The gorge was incredibly steep and very deep as well. It was approximately ninety stories high, and at points during the descent we had to use ladders constructed from trees to get down. Once we reached the bottom of the gorge we followed our guide and jumped into our raft before heading downstream.

As we waited for other rafts to get situated and start their drift downstream we got acquainted with our guide, “Gift,” and with certain rafting rituals. We learned to follow every command our guide demanded us to perform, including jumping overboard into the river!

Our rafting trip was to be a half day adventure, we would be completing rapids eleven through twenty-four. The full day trip includes all rapids, but this was unavailable for us due to the violent currents at rapid number nine!

Our journey took us through twists and turns with rapid names such as the washing machine, commercial suicide, the three ugly sisters, terminator, and the afternoon shower. All in all the three people who managed to get tossed out of the raft include Kinesh(2), Ravi(1), and Paras(1). Not that we were keeping count or anything! The leader of our raft (Priya a.k.a. Queen B), Jay, Shivan, and Ryan managed to ride out the all powerful Zambezi River.

When we reached the end of the rafting trip, we thought we thought all of our hard work had paid off. Unfortunately, the hard work had not yet come to an end! The ninety story gorge we had climbed down, now had to be climbed up!

When we FINALLY reached the top we were treated to a BBQ for lunch. Grilled meats included lion, zebra, and croc! Just kidding.

As soon as we returned to the Lokothula Lodge, the name for our hut-like colony, we were instructed that there was no time to shower before going on a spur of the moment Sunset Cruise! The cruise was just like any other sunset cruise. It had snacks and of course an all you can drink open bar! Not only did it include food and drinks, but we were able to observe more wildlife with an awesome African sunset.

The night was ended with a little more gambling…blackjack and roulette were the games of choice…gambling in Zimbabwe dollars doesn’t hit the wallet quite as hard as in the US!

The Africtravelers