EurAfricAsia Trip 06

Monday, July 17, 2006

Paris/London(Luton) - There and Back Again

In Paris we arrived back at the same train station as the first time around feeling much more experienced than before. Little did we know, but the hotel we had booked turned out to be in the Little India of Paris. This was an entire area that resembled India, to those who have been. After putting our packs away we ventured out into the district and enjoyed some delicious South Indian food.

That night we chose to stay in and watch the France futbol game in our hotel room. Afterwards we reflected on our travels to date over a few bottles of wine. The next day we ate at Michelangelo’s…where we had eaten during our first stay in Paris and then caught our chunnel train to London.

While in London we once again crashed the apartments of our Luton medical school friends. Our time in London can for the most part be summarized by the word…debauchery. We partied for three straight nights each one ending with the sun rising! Night one we went out in downtown Luton. Night two we went to St. Albans where we partied at a mansion turned nightclub called Batchwood, where Kanye West had once performed. Last but most certainly not least, night three was spent at the White House…where it had all started. One of the days we managed to go back to Papa J’s to enjoy some more eclectic Indian cuisine.

It was finally time to go to Zimbabwe, Africa…3rd world here we come…

The Eurotravelers