EurAfricAsia Trip 06

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Bonjour de Paris!

Hello everybody, we're writing from Paris this time. We've been here for 2 nights now and we've had quite a wild time. We were able to visit several famous sights in Paris including the Eiffel Tower, Sacre Cuer, The Louvre, The Pantheon, Palais de Invalides, Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Arch de Triomphe. We walked mostly everywhere and also saw the many districts of Paris (which interestingly enough, are numbered and spiral outwards from the Louvre in their layout).

The weather here has been phenomenal (a few cloudy mornings, but not bad). Much better than London. We've had a great opportunity this time to meet a lot of people from all over - there are a surprisingly large number of people from America that live here for 6-7 months for fun. The nightlife here is not that great. We've found that people in Paris are either very trendy and somewhat uptight, or very chilled out and simply don't want to be bothered. Either way, what can you expect - they're all French.

Otherwise, our hotel here was pretty good - Hotel De Medoc - it's located very close to the main train station Gare Du Nord. We have easy metro access to anywhere in Paris and thus moving around has been easy. This is a quick post as we are leaving in a few hours to Barcelona. Hopefully we have some more time there to write a proper post and some good descriptions of what we've seen. Here are a few photos from our travels so far (we have many more, but we have limited time at these internet cafe's!):

Arrived at London Gatwick
Outside the London National Gallery
At Yate's Pub in Luton
Outside the Eiffel Tower in Paris

At a street-side Parisian Cafe in front of the River Seine