EurAfricAsia Trip 06

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Greetings from London

First of all, sorry for the delay of our first post from London. It has been quite an eventful 3 days here to say the least. We arrived at Gatwick at roughly 10:30 a.m. local time on May 26th and purchased our one way ticket to Luton (Sachin's place) which is about 45 minutes away by ground train.

As soon as we reached Luton, we relaxed, napped a bit and showered. We wasted no time in beginning the British festivities and dined at Nando's, an English chicken joint where we tried a variety of beers including Corronberg 1664, StrongBow, and Stella. The Strongbow, which is actually a cider, seemed to be the favorite of the group.

After returning to Sachin's we got ready to go to an apartment party of some med school students here in London. After meeting his friends and sharing some stories, we head out to Whitehouse, a pub/club in Luton. We returned home at around 3 am, just in time to catch the end of the mavs game on gamecast.

The following day we left with Sachin and Nabeel(Sachin's friend) to do a little sightseeing. The weather was horrible. I think we have seen the sun twice since we have been here. It was pretty much pouring all day, but we managed to go to the National Gallery to view artworks by Monet, Manet, Da Vinci etc. We were also able to spend time in Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, and later enjoyed a few pints at a beautiful pub along the banks of the Thames right under the Tower bridge. One misconception we realized was that the Tower bridge is the actual bridge you think of when you see London, not London Bridge, which is just a normal bridge.

At the end of the night we were able to experience the nightlife of London visiting some nice clubs as well as some local pubs. One thing we have all taken away from these past 3 days is that London is ridiculously expensive. The British pound is two American dollars so everything is pretty much double what we pay back home if not more. Also the weather is really nasty here. All in all however, it's not all the different from America. One final note, we did visit a restaurant in downtown London called the "Texas Embassy" which serves Mexican food. The smell of fajitas took us back briefly to Austin.

Future plans: Joel and Anand will be arriving in the next two days and we will be departing to Paris via the Chunnel in the early morning of June 1st. From now until then we plan on visiting Buckingham Palace, London Eye, Stonehenge, Westminster, Tower of London, Big Ben, Globe Theatre, and St. Paul's Cathedral.

That's all for now folks...keep checking periodically and hopefully can keep up with y'all demand. More to come later....

Cheers mates,