EurAfricAsia Trip 06

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

First Post!

This is our first post! Soooo....we haven't left just yet, but we're all finishing our packing in Dallas and we're about to leave for Houston in about 5 hours. We're staying there for one night then heading out to the UK!

Just so everyone is clear on this, we'll be using this blog to post all of our travel accounts on a weekly or biweekly basis for your enjoyment. If you have no idea what this is all about then here's a quick summary - last semester we decided that we needed to have one of the best senior trips...a trip that would surpass all expectations and one that we would remember for ever. Thus, after many months of planning we now have...dum dum dum...EurAfricAsia Summer Trip '06!

We begin our journey in the UK (London) for about a week. June 1st we are taking a train into Europe where we will visit all over France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Germany, Netherlands, and other countries. July 1st we fly to Zimbabwe, Africa where we will also visit South Africa and Botswana. July 18th we fly to Bangkok, Thailand where we will stay for a week. Our trip finishes with 1 more week in Hong Kong, China, and our final week in Tokyo, Japan.

The total trip is 2.5 months and promises to take us around the world and back!

So, you all are now up to speed. Stay tuned to this site to hear more about our crazy travels and adventures.
